Release Date: November 11, 2011
Studio: Columbia Pictures (Sony)
Director: Dennis Dugan
Screenwriter: Steve Koren, Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel
Starring: Adam Sandler, Katie Holmes, Al Pacino
Genre: Comedy
MPAA Rating: PG (for crude material including suggestive references, language and comic violence)
Official Website:
Review: Not Available
DVD Review: Not Available
DVD: Not Available
Movie Poster: View here
Production Stills: View here
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I really don't get this constant critical bashing of the type of silly comedies like Adam Sandler makes. Critics and movie-goers alike know what kind of comedy he produces, and know this going into each and every single new film that comes out, yet they feign surprise and disappointment at each new turn, acting as if they thought it was going to be some "Oscar worthy performance". Apparently, you're not allowed to make low-brow, silly comedies for the simple purpose of BEING silly and just a simple laugh, and apparently it's even worse if you make such movies and they are financial successes as Sandler's tend to be.
Granted, I myself have felt that in the last few years, Sandler's films haven't been as funny. You Don't Mess With the Zohan was just weird, and while Just Go With It was alright, it wasn't hilarious either. Grown Ups, which with it's SNL Reunion cast, SHOULD have been hilarious, but it only provided a few chuckles, because in this man's opinion they played it too safe. They tried to go for a family comedy, when it should have been classic SNL type material. Click, in my estimation, was his last really strong comedy, and it worked successfully in the silliness AND "drama" departments.
Having said that though, I just went to see Jack and Jill last night, and you know what? It was pretty damn funny. I'm not afraid to say I liked it, nor to admit that I laughed quite a bit at this "low-brow, juvenile humored film". I have been a fan of Sandler's work since his SNL days, and with very few exceptions, I've liked the majority of his output. But this film reminded me much more of the purely rampant silliness that his best movies are known for. It doesn't try to be anything more than what it is, unlike something like, say, Funny People, which quite frankly, wasn't. Jack and Jill is what it is: a silly and ridiculous comedy, with that patented Sandler spin on it.
Adam Sandler is one of those figures that you either like or you don't. That's fine. So is Al Pachino, who quite frankly turned in a surprising and heartfelt performance. He wasn't afraid to act silly, and he honestly looked like he was enjoying himself making this, not just that "he needed the money". Perhaps if more people untightened their sphincters just a bit, and quit trying so hard to be overly-pretentious, overly cynical wanna-be movie critics, they'd grow up a bit and realize that you can, in fact, just go to a movie to relax and enjoy yourself, and not have to be viewing everything with a critical eye 24/7.
If you go to a comedy like this expecting some life changing, Coen-Brothers level of acting or cinematography, you're a moron. Just the same as if you have ever gone into a Jet Li or Jackie Chan film expecting anything more than some awesome martial arts moves. Judd Apatow/Seth Rogan style comedies are honestly no less silly, outlandish, or straight up stupid than Sandler films, yet because they're rated R and feature copious amounts of "party humor", as opposed to "potty humor", they get more critical acclaim. Fact is (for the most part), they're both funny. You just have to be mature enough to drop your facade, lighten up a little, and laugh along with the stupidity. That's what comedies are for. Period.
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